so I'm not really into the new year celebration and stuff. Never really have been. There were just a few (very few) that I don't remember really well but other than that I usually look forward to the new year with some odd sense of dread that I can never figure out. Weird ebbyjevvy feeling in my stomach just like I still get before the first day of school. I've decided that 2008 is going to be GREAT...plus it rhymes and who doesn't love a good rhyme...except for Peyton when that rhyme ends in a bad word and she just sorta looks shocked!
Okay, if any of you read whimsyworks.blogspot.com, you might know that occasionally I post a Peytonism or two (or three). Here come some recent ones....(oh and this pic IS with the new fab cam but I don't know what I'm doing yet)
* Cole watched the neighbor girls goldfish while they went to Chicago for the Holidays. When they came back it was really raining but she was anxious for Cole to bring the tank back to her. Peyton said, "Cole, be careful that the fish don't get wet out there!" (on their walk back to the girls house in the rain)
*I don't often wear my wedding ring because I'm allergic to the weld between the band and my engagement ring. Peyton notices this all the time and it causes some distress. Yesterday, I was in the shower and Matt was shaving so I guess it made her notice his ring while she was watching him. So she opens the shower curtain and said to me, "Is it just me, or do you not love Dad 'cause you don't wear your ring."