The rest of the week I'll be blogging everyday about something that I'm noticing that is currently trending, or a trend that won't go a way or a trend that's on the cusp of trending!
Today's trend is BAR CARTS! They are EVERYWHERE! One of the first times I noticed them in design was in a post by the FABULOUS EDDIE ROSS. I think it was in a window display but I'm not sure. Here are a couple posts of his using bar carts, A country living Christmas, here's one that's 3 years old in the New York Times (I'm telling you this guys a trend SETTER!) New York Times, the entire article is about bar carts! A post in 2008 One Flea Market, two bloggers! Shopping the Rose bowl and coming across a fabulous black and gold Bar Cart. And this is the one that sticks out in my mind, a window display with a bar cart for the Carleton V.
Lately as I'm perusing my PINTEREST and flipping through decor mags and decorating blogs, repeatedly I'm picking out bar carts here and there. So here are a few you might want to check out!
The carts can go from LUXE like the ones above all brass and glass or more transitional like this one,
There are also some that will fit more into a casual room like these...
So whether you like your portable party on the glam side.
or a little bit more laid back, there are many carts to suit your needs!