Friday, April 11, 2008


Yesterday was the first day that TRULY felt like spring! I LOVE that! I've been waiting so long it feels like! My double delightful friend Stephanie and I spent the day having some "girls day out" time...that's always FUN! What's more fun then going to Target with a super shopper buddy? ...and TACO BeLL! YUM!

So I've been waiting for it to get warm because I've had visions of Callie in front of this awesome RED door at a local church in a black leotard and black tutu. It took tons of COAXING, cajoling (I know that's not spelled right), 10 bucks and the promise that I'll let her get a real streak of a color in her hair this summer. She wants pink about an 1inch wide ala Avril Lavign even though she's not an AL fan, but she DOES have cool hair. This particular door is at a busy intersection in our town and tutu clad Callie was NON TOO PLEASED to have everyone and their brother that we possibly know drive by the intersection and view her skinny little body in the black get up. OHHHH but I had FUN! The texture of the stone walls, the bold black hinges the color-packed spring flowers....ohhh my! AND that FOUNTAIN~ made my day! Thank goodness spring is HERE!

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