Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meet McCoy...

I believe most things happen for a reason and this (McCoy) did to, I'm sure. First let me say, Chesterman is still doing fine 9 weeks and 3 days post diagnosis. My father and I worked on my farm-fair display all day in the side yard and Chester layed under the display table in the shade and supervised. Macy and McCoy watched closely from the fence in the back yard, just a few feet away. On to McCoy...

We had contacted our rescue group(
http://www.boxerrescue.com/) immediately after Chester's diagnosis to let Jane know of his unfortune and also to be on the look out for a new member of our family. Macy is HIGH stress and has never been an only dog, even when she was with her previous family. We wanted as little lag time between whenever Chest made his heavenly departure and adding the new member. We knew that would have been extrememly emotionally troubling for Macy.

Well, 2 days ago, in the late afternoon, I recieved a call from a great volunteer from our local shelter. She had helped me when I transported one of their boxers to a foster home up north. She had us on the list as a contact and she told me that a 6month old pup had been surrendered the day before. Within moments the kids and I packed up and headed to the shelter to check him out. Well, you see what happened don't ya? We now have three boxers in the household.

This little lovebug has stolen our hearts already. I've had a boxer since the summer of my 18 birthday...almost 20 years. Yeah, yeah, I'm old. Whatever. There was Mugzy, then
Buzz, then Cooper, Chester, Macy and now McCoy. I have to tell you, my family is not sold on
name. So If I come here in a day or two and call him something else, you know I was defeated. We' ve never had a puppy this young, Cooper and Chester were both 8 months when we got them. He definately has boxer puppy spirit~! I love this shot of him zipping past the crepe myrtle...his front legs barely keeping up with the back!

This little guy apparently spent 8-10 hours a day outside kenneled and was crated in the house. We have no kennels here and never will, although we will crate him when we are not home. A 6 month old unsupervised boxer can be a very dangerous thing...heck a 7 year old boxer on steriods can do a lot of damage...look at the bread drawer post from a few days ago! And for never haveing been allowed on the furniture before, he's adjusted to that swimmingly as well. Speaking of swimming, he thought he was Jesus for a few moments today and attempted to walk across the garden pond (although those lily pads are deceivingly sturdy LOOKING).

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