Wednesday, February 24, 2010

She's a camera HO!

Our new couch and loveseat came in today, so I thought I'd snap a photo or two. I took the first shot of the loveseat, then I checked my settings and put a little dent in the creampuff pillow. When I looked back through the lens, this is what I saw. She's the Paris Hilton of boxers, I swear!

EDIT:  Here's the chair I picked up at Pier One...she was on sale and I think she's lovely EVEN IF she is actually a dining room chair!

and looking into the kitchen...and no the kitchen isn't done yet, sorry! LOL  It's the doing that's fun though!
...and I have to add this shot of Cosmo laying by the fire...so cozy he looks!Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Would you share some WHIMSY please!?