Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello everybody

Hello everybody!
My friend Robyn kindly asked me to guest blogging.
She's recovering from a hard surgery so I'm very happy to be here and wish her a fast recovering.
She's a strong girl and I admire her very much for her courage.
You are in my heart girl!!

I first met Robyn a short time ago, just a few months.
We both started blogging recently and met via Dreamy Whites.
We shared a feeling and wrote some mails.
She asked me today to entertain you, so I thought what could I write about
and decided to tell you something about myself.

My name is Zaira
I write on a blog called
I'm a 33 years old girl with many thoughts and dreams.

I'm Italian, I live in a small sleeping town south Milan,
but  I constantly dream that someday I will be able to pack my things

and run away to some other exciting place

like Paris

or London

I love travelling and discovering new places. There's so
much to see and learn, I'm never fed up. In summer
I satisfy this thirst for life by travelling.
I choose a place and for 3 weeks I'm 

"The girl with a luggage"

I never sleep in the same place for more than one night.
Each day a different sky, each night the same exciting feeling that tomorrow
will be a new adventure.

I'm lucky enough to share those precious moments with my
wonderful friends

Friendship is to me the greatest thing in life.
It's so amazing to find people who care for you more than a family,
those are the persons you choose and
when they choose you too it's a huge blessing.

They never make you feel lonely

I have a passion for books

My secret ambition is to become a famous writer
and live upon words

I like to name things with their proper name.
Maybe, that's why I'm a person who speaks clearly
and people don't usually like it.....
I'm not a flattering person, I live for the Truth.
I'm a sincere girl, maybe too much.
I'm also a strong and independent girl but
 I'm still waiting for the right man who has
the key to my heart

Sometimes I sit and look behind me at my past

But I usually prefer to look ahead and wait for
my personal fairytale

{all pictures from This is glamorous, Home, The bottom of ironinhg basket}

But this is a new chapter and a new.....post!

Thank you again dear Robyn for hosting me in your blog
A great hug for you and your lovely readers.

Zaira xx


  1. Che bello Zaira, bellissimo! Scrivi sempre così bene e non vedo l'ora di leggere un tuo libro!Tanto ne sono certa, lo scriverai!
    Con tanto affetto,

  2. thanks for helping Robyn out with your post, I know she appreciates it! :-) I did a post for her too...she's such a blessing to know.

  3. Hi dear Robyn, I don't know if you can read the comments, but I just want to wish you a very fast recovery! I didn't know your blog and I'm here thanks to Zaira. Now I'm a new follower!!
    Feel better soon!

  4. Hi Robyn-
    I feel so bad, it's been awhile since I last stopped by! I'm sorry about your surgery but it sounds like you had the right doc in the right hospital and he fixed everything, I wish you a quick recovery!
    What a wonderful post, I love learing a little more about you Zaira! I believe someday you will be a famous writer (you already are in my book)

  5. Just a beautiful post! I love Zaira and her blog! So sorry about all that you are going through. Sending you lots of healing thoughts your way and Prayers!!


  6. Hi Zaira,
    First of all, I wish Robyn a speedy recovery and hope that it ont be too long before she is back posting on her blog again.
    You have done a wonderful job, Zaira. It was a lovely post. XXXX

  7. Zaira! THANKSSSS! XXXOOOO You are a LOVE! Thank you so very much for helping out! I adore your post and YOU! ;-)

  8. Thank's for posting the pic of the cool pink suitcase. And the heart shaped key hole is too cute! Have a good day...Julian

  9. Hi Robyn

    I follow Zaira's blog so thought i would come over for a visit!
    Hope your well soon and when you are come for a visit.
    Pamela from French Buttons

  10. Wowwwww..i love this post and you Zaira !!

    Hugs from Ria

    And for Robyn...........a biggggg biggg hug my darling...........bye!!

  11. what a great post..so much fun to learn more about you.

  12. what a great post..so much fun to learn more about you.

  13. Wonderful guest post, Zaira!

    Get well soon, Robyn!


  14. aaaaaaaah this is a great "Zairapost"......you can tell she wrote it!!! :)

    And Robyn, I saw a comment from your hand over at Kristins....SO glad your back and feeling better!!! I'm gonna read yesterday's post later, just want to tell you I wish you the best, hope you feel well, and that people are nice to you(read: spoil you terribly;)).

    Hang in there!!!


  15. I love to read about my newfound friends. It makes them more real to know of their desires and hopes and dreams. Now I have a new blog to visit. Hope she's feeling much better soon!

  16. Hi Robyn:) Big get well hugs for you as always sweet girl- xx

    Zaira, how wonderful to see you here on Robyn's beautiful blog my sweet friend:) Your posts always make me smile and this one was just lovely! Big Wednesday hugs to you Zaira as always ~ xx

  17. Zairaaaaa... lo sai che sei bellissima vero?? Mi è piaciuto molto leggere questo post, e sono convinta che un giorno (non lontano) diventerai una famosissima scrittrice, quello che scrivi è sempre coinvolgente e pieno di elementi che lasciano spazio all'immaginazione!!
    Un bacione


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