Monday, June 28, 2010

LUCKY LADY and man I'm getting freckly!

I've been SO extremely fortunate lately. You know how EVERYONE always says, "I never win anything", I really am that person. However, my LUCK has changed! From the incredible www.annettetatum.com duvet cover a couple months back to the two fun and wonderful treats in the past couple weeks. Stephanie Lynn Under The Table And Dreaming, had an awesome giveaway from One9Designs. I also won a signed copy of the uber fab FLEA MARKET STYLE with Ki Nassaur sweet message in it plus next springs copy as well! I am so LUCKY, HAPPY and BLESSED!

The necklace I chose is special to me. It's a hand hammered silver disc with a sweet little bird (I LOVE birds) and it says SOAR with the birthstones of my three children. It symbolizes that I want them to be ALL that they can be!
Kristin from One9designs was so sweet to work with and added those delightful little birthstone crystals at my request. She has GORGEOUS handcrafted artsy goodies in her ETSY shop. Check it out, it's just wonderful!
My current issue of FLEA MARKET STYLE is so dog eared and tattered because I've looked at it so many times and a couple friends have borrowed it. It's so awesome to have a PRISTINE copy with the JUNK REVOLUTION GURU Ki Nassauer signature right there inside! THIS one is not getting passed around! ;-)

Thank you Stephanie, Kristin and Ki (Margo from the blog too) for my wonderful LUCK and goodies...I'm smiling ear to ear!

BTW, the husband took the photo on my neck and it's kinda hard to see the sweet bird but it's there. MAN I'm getting old...look at that skin! BUT if you look real close I have a freckle shaped like a heart..that's kinda cool!

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  1. Way to go with the wins! I've been lucky lately too, isnt it wonderful? Hey embrace your freckles, they give a bit of character, thats what I say about mine (I dont have a heart shaped one though!)

  2. Sweet Robyn...Wonderful things happen to wonderful people, and you my friend deserve all of these fabulous goodies:) Congrats and enjoy your treasures! Hugs ~ Tina xx

  3. How beautiful, Robyn! Congratulations and enjoy this beautiful necklace!
    Hugs, Li :-)

  4. Beautiful necklace and SO meaningful! Congratulations, lucky lady! I'm having a little giveaway myself. Stop by and leave a comment to enter if you'd like!

  5. Wonderful treasures to win...a great way to sart the week!!!

  6. Really nice choice you made! And I love the birthstone crystals!

  7. Good going girl! :-) I'm very happy you won...you deserve it!
    It was SOOOO good to get to talk to you today, I enjoyed every second of it...we'll have to chat some more soon! (better than all that typing! LOL)
    Have a great week!~

  8. Congratulations!! Love the necklace, I always love jewelry with a meaning!!!

  9. You have been a very lucky girl and your heart freckle is so cute! I love your necklace and the meaning behind it. You are a sweetie and so deserving of all your lovely wins! xx

  10. Congratulations ...so so lovely! Thank you for visiting me the other day...I LOVE your blog. xoxoxo

  11. Glad you received it in good order. Thanks for entering and for being a reader.

  12. Yay for you!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog Robyn and leaving a comment! Comments make my day :) And I had searched all over for a vintage style clock like the one I found...I nearly broke down and bought one for $20, but decided not to - and I'm so glad I waited and found that little beauty! I hope you're able to find one too! And by the look of your luck I bet you will! :)

  13. How fun!! And very pretty :)) Congratulations!!

  14. It´s so fun to win something, makes your day - doesn´t it?! :-)

    Will be great to follow you as well, love your blog! :-)

  15. THANK you about your kind words, you´re a sweetie! Feel free to pass the link on if you´d like, since it´s my first song (well lyrics) that will come out on CD I´d love to hear what people think. :-)

    Have a fantastic day! :-)

  16. Oh Robyn - I just love the necklace! Beautiful choice and I just adore the meaning behind it. Good things happen to good people ~ you deserve these my friend. Hope you are having a fabulous week! ~Stephanie Lynn
    {p.s. thanks for the shout out =) you're so sweet!}

  17. He is beautiful Robyn....i like it!!...All day in the hospital sitting with my mother of 82 she had fallen, broken collarbone so pathetic! they can no longer get out of bed hurts so much, go back tomorrow.......I am so worried about her ...love Ria....

  18. Aw, yay, I'm glad you love the necklace!!!! Congrats on the other cool stuff too! :)


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