Tuesday, August 17, 2010


For the past few months, whenever I go hunting for FUN FINDS I look for these milk glass bubble bowls.  There is something about them that draws me in.  I love their skim milk color that you can almost see through.  The bubbles of white are just full of whimsy.  I've now amassed 4 of them!  YAY!  Then the other day, I came upon a little STACK of wee itsy bitsy bubble bowls.  THEY HAD TO COME HOME WITH ME!  I didn't know they made little ones too!  Apparently they are called berry bowls, at least that's what they were labeled.  I also found this super sweet covered milk glass butter dish.
Isn't she lovely too?  She would only hold about a half stick of butter, not nearly enough for ANY of the Paula Deen recipes I'm fond of but hey, she's CUTE! 
I must have recently sat on a four leaf clover because I was LUCKY and won a SCENTSY warmer from super sweet Layla and Kevin at THE LETTERED COTTAGE and Lisa Smedley of Scentsy .  I totally wish I had SMELL-O-SCREEN so you could get a whiff of CLEAN BREEZE, it's the scent I have in my warming unit.  It smells like your house in the spring when you leave all the windows open.  PERFECT!
I think I'm addicted to this thing!  You can pour out the hot wax back into it's container and re-use it, plus switch scents. Cool! 

In other fun finds, I want to share some blogs that I've been enjoying lately.  You probably already follow them, but just in case you are not...

FUNKY JUNK INTERIORS  She has this hilarious post about "you know you are a blogger when..."  I could totally relate!
OLD GREY MARE  Lovely photos and prose to go with them
URBAN FARM GIRL She's an upbeat chick with wonderful white wares and great ideas!
FADED PRAIRIE Photos that stop you in your tracks, ideas in abundance and a great little Etsy shop
TWIG She just gets me laughing, has great photos and her ideas ROCK!

Okay, there are some blogs to munch on.  If you haven't already saved them into your faves, then RUN and do it!  And if you have, well, um I guess we both have great taste! LOL

ONE last little tidbit.  It's definitely going to be one of those stories that isn't really funny 'cause "you had to be there" but I simply must share.  Last week, Callie, Cole and I were at Target getting some back to school supplies (basically giving away my arm and leg) and I decided to get a few towels if they had any on sale.  As we are looking at the towels, Callie holds up one of those RUG thingies that goes over your toilet lid.  She wanted to know what it was.  So I told her it fits over your toilet lid.  She looked at me kinda weird and then said, "Excuse me, I can't find the toilet, all I see is a rug covered seat in your bathroom."  Again, you had to be there but I got tickled over the whole idea of trying to camouflage what a toilet really is by "beautifying" it! 
Joining a couple fun parties...come along and join in the fun, check out the party link on the right!


  1. Your old post of hydrangea images were absolutely stunning! Those bubble bowls are great too!


    Eddie & Jaithan

  2. Hi Robyn, as you tell the stories, there no one like you! I love your pics: the bowls are so lovely but the butter dish is fantastic!!!
    Have a nice day, kiss!

  3. Oooooo that bowls !!! and the butterdish !! stumming !!!! fantastic !!! i like it very much !!! wishing you a happy day darling...love Ria....

  4. Love your new bubble dishes! They are great! Cute story about the toilet seat covers! I am familiar with and love to read all the blogs you listed with the exception of Old Grey Mare. I will go pay her a visit now. Thanks! ~ Tracy

  5. Hello sweet lady! :) Lovin' the bubble bowls...I have some berry bowls too, but not like yours....those are too cute!
    Your kids crack me up with the things they say! :-)
    I still haven't figured out the whole sponsor sidebar thing, but I think I figured out a way to just side step it. :) Thanks for you idea though...much appreciated!
    Have a great week girlfriend!
    Love ya bunches

  6. I just went on a thrifting trip to the beach last week and I scored 4 of those bubble bowls! I was thrilled. I am looking for a milk glass butter dish, but have not found one cheap enough yet. I like a good bargain! Love & blessings from NC!

  7. Hi Robyn,

    Glad you enjoyed the silly post about bloggers. :) Thanks so much for the shoutout! Can I also just say I'm swooning over your milk glass collection?!? Oh my...


  8. Those teeny bubble bowls are adorable! I will see them now at flea markets and think of you!
    Beth :-)

  9. Those really are pretty little bowls. Now I'm going to be on the lookout for them too!

  10. Hi Robyn, great little bowls and butter keeper, I love it when the hunt is on for a collection! So glad you came by,
    ps gorgeous dress form the Heirloom White is wonderful!

  11. I just love milk glass with lots of detail-super cool!

  12. Robyn,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I am so glad to find yours!!! Your milk glass is beautiful. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

  13. We do share addictions don't we?


    What fun to collect bubbles!


  14. LOVE the bubble bowls, and the little butter dish is adorable!
    Your toilet seat cover story is cute!

  15. I love those bubble bowls…To cute!!

  16. How lucky to find a whole set of four of the bigger and smaller versions of the bubble bowls. They're too cute!
    Congratulations on your win!
    All of those blogs are wonderful, aren't they? I saw Donna's post at Funky Junk Interiors... halarious!
    Have a great day!
    ~ Jo :)

  17. Gorgeous collection, Robyn. I'm sooo jealous!


  18. I love your milk glass bowls and butter dish!!

  19. I love milk glass too - it's so pretty!! I am happy to have found your blog through Show and Tell Friday. I am your newest follower.

    Happy Saturday,


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. These are very sweet little milk glass bowls...I love them too!!!


    Hop over and enter my GIVEAWAY…I think you will like it!

  22. Hi Robyn
    I love milk glass too...and you know a couple of years ago I passed a pitcher and 6 drinking glasses that were only $14.00!! I still think about that..*sigh*.

    Great collection I'm sure you'll have good use for the little bowls...sweet.

    Cute story too.
    come by and visit when you have a chance.


  23. Hey you! Thanks so much for the sweet mention :) I am so glad I get to follow your blog and get to know you!!!! :)


Would you share some WHIMSY please!?