Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pillow Problems and Scentsy Parties!

CHECK BACK LATER TODAY FOR A BIG SCENTSY GIVE AWAY!!!!! YOU do NOT want to miss this! Whimages is now a SCENTSY representative!
 I have a total love hate relationship with Pier 1 and parties.  It NEVER fails that just a few months after I pay off my Pier 1 credit card, a.The pillows I currently have have been washed 2 too many times and I need new ones or b. I'm having some kind of party and  need some kind of stuff  often involving pillows. Pillows are like like the icing on the cake of decor! Speaking of icing...that top pillow is a new LOVE and it reminds me of gingerbread cookies with sweet royal icing, perfect for the holidays, and NO calories!
 This chair and PILLOW are from the perfect PIER PLACE and I've had them several months. STILL LOVIN' THEM!
 The fuzzy cocoa brown pillow is also from Pier 1 and the DELIGHTFUL birdie pillow that I have some weird  and probably unhealthy attachment to that forbids my children from touching it is from Target.
 LAST but not least, this wonderful little FLUFF of LOVE (that is a bit camera shy and didn't show up well) is SO VERY soft that you find yourself touching it and petting it for no reason. It is so SQUISHY-SQUASHY! I kid you not, handsome husband, who has PLENTY of testosterone and showed PLENTY of it during that WILD RAVEN VS. Steelers game, fell asleep on the couch cuddling it like his favorite childhood stuffed animal. I. Will. Hunt. You. Down. If. You. Tell. His. Friends. I. Told. You. That. I believe that is one little tidbit we shall keep amongst ourselves, okay?  I'm linking this to the Saturday Night Special party over at Funky Junk where you may find other pillow obsessed individuals!
On Friday, I had some girlfriends over for a little girls night in.  That little party MAY have involved Cotton Canditinis, Pomtinis and Green Appletinis.  It also definitely involved SCENTSY. (BTW, Callie has a Scentsy plug-in in her room as a nightlight with the scent called Sugar, mmmm, her room ALWAYS smells like yummy cotton candy!) I fell so deeply in love with the plug in I won from The Lettered Cottage that I decided to share the love and have a party.) I LOVED the party so much I decided to share the fun and have WHIMAGES join SCENTSY as a representative!  WHOO HOO!  So if you decide that you'd like to have some of  THIS FABULOUS SCENTED GOODNESS let me know at robynlbedsaul@gmail.com!  THEY are fabulous, wonderful and economical gifts for the holidays!  My party will be open till about lunch time on Monday, here's the link, Scentsy Party .  I REALLY love the combo packs where you get a warming unit of various sizes and 3 different scents or a full size, a plug-in and 3 or 6 different scents, it saves you BIG money and you can keep one and give one as a gift! Isn't that a fun way to shop? One for you, one for me! ;-) The scents last 80 hours!  Believe the hype by the way...I'm DEEP in love with my goodies and my husband or kids will turn them on if they are not already on!  Obviously the entire family loves it! That's COOL!
Please note, while proof reading this, which I'm not very good at by the way, I see that it is more than obvious that if you did not know I have a sweet tooth, it is very evident now! I mentioned sweet things like a bazillion times.  Bye, sweeties!


  1. I Love all of your pillows they are beautiful. I love pillows as well. Pier 1 does have some great stuff what girl could resist.

    Have a great week


  2. I like your pillow......i like you....happy new week darling....love Ria.....

  3. Robyn, you lost me at SWEET and SCENT....so now again for the blond dutch lady??? WHAT do I do????;)


  4. Robyn, i LOVE the fluff of love pillow!! I need one just like that. ;))

    I had to laugh at your husband... we are big time Steelers fans around here so we were very suped up for that game too! Except that our team lost... haha.

    have a wonderful week!! xoxo Heather

  5. Sounds like that party was a blast and those candles sound amazing! Thanks for sharing the pink sugar apple pie with us :)


  6. Lovin' your pillows!(especially that blue one!)
    So, will I get in trouble if I tell TJ Matt cuddles pillows?! :) ROFLOL I'll behave!
    Hey, I'm gonna mail your box out in the morning...I have a pain in my side that won't go away, so I didn't go do the bills. :( I'm just taking it easy for the rest of the afternoon. :)
    Love ya much!

  7. That pouf pillow is so cool!! I'd love a few of those for my bed!

    Oh, and sweetie, have you inputted your state information yet at LOCATION CENTRAL? It's the blog where you find other bloggers in your area.


Would you share some WHIMSY please!?