Sunday, February 6, 2011


I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

Audrey Hepburn 
I love LOVE love this Audrey Hepburn quote!
I may have mentioned a few posts ago that I tend to have an obsessive personality.  Whatever I'm currently into gets my ALL.  Right now it's Peyton's 9th birthday.  If I saw a psychologist, she would probably be able to tell me all these different reasons why I'm obsessive.  All I know is that this is probably my baby's LAST birthday where she'll PINK IT UP.  I'm trying to fit lot's of last time stuff into this one itty bitty party.  My little girl will be in double digits next year, URGH!  So bear with me over the next month while I go into pink overload.  You can cluck your tongues at me and whisper to your girlfriends, "poor Robyn, she's gone a wee bit off the rocker".   It's okay because I bet pink makes you happy too!
I've seen these ADORABLE deluxe, handmade birthday hats all over Etsy and the party blogs.  They are gorgeous.  They are expensive!  Knowing I would enjoy trying to figure out how to make it, I decided maybe Peyton would want one too.  Tonight, I took a little bit of time and made a prototype of a frilly, oozing pinkness, sweet and pretty party hat.  It's just a practice run and I already know what I'll do differently (too many layers on the 9 badge).  Ms. P saw it and LOVED it!  She thought that she would want a P on the real one so she could save it and keep it in her room. I love the crochet white heart, it's an antique from Jenni Bowlin and I REALLY love the sweet iradescent flower button.  It was Matt's grandmother's.  I'll be re-using that for sure! It is such a fun project!  I can't wait to start the real thing!
I picked up several swatches of 1/4 yard  each of cheap fabric for my other party project.  I'm also flying by the seat of my pants on this one.  Let me tell you that it involves my SEWING MACHINE (that's always a bit scary) and there are samples all over blog land of this project too.  This is also something that Ms. P can keep in her room as a keepsake.  I'll post it when it's complete.  I *think* it's going to be pretty. Let's hope!


  1. So, so cute! I adore all the pink, love the quote, and your hat turned out so cute!

  2. Happy birthday !! 9 years old.......little girls growing older !!!...lovely week darling...i like all the pinks !! ...love Ria...xxx....

  3. It is so absolutely gorgeous!!!! She will look like the princess wearing it and oh the memories that it will be part of! Thanks for sharing the quote I love it. And I can relate to the obsessive quality I am the same way when I am into something everyone and anyone knows about it because I announce it to the world.

  4. I love pink too! Have fun with your 'little' girl making pretty hats. I love the fabrics & can't wait to see what you do with them. Have a good day - JenT


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