Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween, Being Thankful, Rhizotomys and Prop Houses, Oh MY!

Meet Little Mister Tyler. Don't you want a hug from him? He is super sweet and has a look in his eye that means trouble just might be around the corner. Tomorrow he gets to see his Daddy for the first time in 6 months. His father, Todd has been deployed for a year and finally gets to come home for good tomorrow! We are so excited for Tyler his Momma Gina and Todd. Thank YOU Todd for serving our country so well! I know Gina is super excited to see you and she said she also can't wait for an uninterupted nap! LOL Gina and Todd are awesome neighbors and we are so thankful to have had them move in across the street. ;-)

Halloween is here in all it's spooky splendor! I think I'm going to put my chalkboard (directions on making one here: http://whimages.blogspot.com/2009/07/just-stuff-and-recipe.html) on the frontporch with pumpkins and the candy. My silly kids wanted to know why I wrote that because, "we don't have those things".  We might have some extra kids trick or treating with us this year.  Traditionally, I always make Chili.  I think everyone makes Chili on Halloween.  Am I right?  This year since we might have extra people, I saw a recipe for a chessy mexican layered bake I might try too.  If it's good I'll post the recipe in a couple days.

You might be wondering how my Rhizotomy (Neurotomy-nerve burning thingy went). If you remember, I stayed up and read a bunch of message board reviews, much to my horror. No offense to any male readers out there, but ALL of those reviews were obviously written by men. Remember the burly man who said his wife could hear him in the waiting room? I SURE feel sorry for her when he has a cold! Not that it was a breezy walk in the park. It's NOT like I want another one tomorrow or anything. BUT it wasn't like I thought it would be after the reviews. Yes, it did hurt. I had it done on my right side lumbar, L3, L4 and L5-S1. After he was working a while (I kinda thought we were on needle 2 but wasnt' sure) it started to hurt more than extra so I did say something like, "hey Dr. Doctor, why is it suddently hurting way more than before?". And Dr. Doctor said something to the effect that he was working almost next to the bottom of one of the screws or pedicals (whatever) in my fusion and he gathered that area was already irritated. I'd gather that too from how it felt! ;-) All in all, not so bad. Got sent home with my normal pain meds, some type of morphine and instructions

to have even MORE restricted activity for the following 2 days. I'm not sure if slowly walking outside to snap Tyler's pic counts or not be he looked so darn cute playing in the leaves from my window!

In other news, one of my favorite blogs is
www.theletteredcottage.net . Layla and her husband are just too dern cute for their own good and DANG do those two have awesome design ideas and energy out the wazoo. A week back or so the magazine called THE NEST came to shoot a segment on their INCREDIBLY delightful (I want to move in with them but not in a weird way, I just love the house) cottage. Layla gave readers a super cool behind the scenes tour of a magazine shoot. I HAD no idea! NO WONDER EVERY MAGAZINE LAYOUT LOOKS SO FABULOUS! They sent box upon box of accessories and props to the house, clothes for them and all kinds of fun goodness including a stylist, hair and makeup! If you want to see this awesome segment on Layla's blog, it's here: http://www.theletteredcottage.net/2009/10/nest-shoot-behind-scenes.html
While looking for something on the web tonight, I came across a designer/flea-marketer I've admired before, Eddie Ross. Well, he used to work at the Food Network and decided to share with his readers (said in a booming movie voice) THE FOOD NETWORK PROPS ROOM. Check out this sweeeeet goodnes and try not to tell me you didn't fall in love with at least 50 things? http://www.eddieross.com/eddie_ross/2009/09/a-tour-of-the-food-network-prop-house.html

Oh and my middle name is NOT Ludmilla.
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  1. Love the chalkboard- what fun! It was so nice out, my oldest daughter, my neighbor, and I sat outside on the steps passing out candy- next year I might set something like you had up- very cute! Of course, it being new england and all, next year it might be snowing, we'll see. :) That prop room is YUMMY- and that's all BEFORE the food! Amazing!! I 'm off to read Layla's post- thanks for the link.

  2. I had not thought about a chalkboard sign and the candy bowl. great idea, i left my bowl on the bench.


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