Thursday, October 29, 2009

SHE'S GOT LEGS AND SHE KNOWS HOW TO USE THEM! (Island countertop with legs! lol)

Our wonderful friend Bryan, planed the bottom of the reclaimed boards so they'd be sorta even on top. They still will be a bit off which is fine with me! CHARACTER PEOPLE, it's called CHARACTER! LOL He wanted us to check it out before he joined and glued it. The ends will be cut off so they are even. I got so excited when I saw it...I got CHILLS! Yeah, I'm a freak! He's going to lightly sand the top, not enough that we loose the gorgeous patina but enough so it's smoother. THEN he showed us the mahaghony knewl posts he had custom made for a client and then they didn't like them. They musta been CRAZY 'cause this chick is in LOVE with them! We are turning them upside down (like in the photo) and using them as legs for the bar part of the island top! I'm GIDDY! How GORGEOUS are they? I can't WAIT till it's all done!

Peyton did her pumpkin last night with Grandmom. I like how Peyton's teeth look like Pumpkin teeth!

I'm having my first of two Rhizotomy's today. Wish me luck! Unfortunately, I
had a coffee last night and couldn't sleep. I googled Rhizotomy's and read a bunch of stuff on message boards (which I think gives you more of a true sense of what a procedure is like...the doctors always make it sound like rosebuds and rainbows). Well, shouldn't have looked it up! One burly sounding guy said his wife could hear his moans out in the waiting room. Apparently the needle is so large that the scar tissue will show up later on your mri's. Cool. All this, and you are not under anesthesia so they can figure out if they are in the right spot (with the aid of the live xray machine and your pain reaction). So today should be an awesome day! LOL Shame I can't have a glass of Pinot Grigio before I go in! That would have helped!
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1 comment:

  1. That kitchen island looks fabulous...! And good luck with the procedure... And yes, Googling stuff like that is never helpful... I hope it all goes well and as painlessly as possible.



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