Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ALUMINUM PHOTO and why did I try to walk so far?

MY uber-cool photo printed on ALUMINUM from www.pixel2canvas.com came in today. YAY!!! Sorry these are NOT the best photos of it.  I really would have liked to have stood on a chair to take the pic but my family would have had a heart attack, so that was a no go.  It's a classic black and white of my three progeny walking into the light by a nearby pond this past fall. I envisioned that it would be matte but it has a sheen but I'm still in love with it!  It looks like it's lit from within in person.  Like it's back lit, very unusual! It's very thin but strong feeling and it came with a cool piece called an ice stand but my husband is going to make it so we can hang it on the wall in the nook.( EDIT!!  I THINK Matt aka Handy Husband put the last coat of paint on the walls of the nook last night, so that means we'll be hanging photos and the other schtuff this weekend! I'm THINKING the reveal might be Sunday or Monday. )All the other goodies are going to go around it in a collage like fashion. Sort of like a "SALON" grouping you may have seen cropping up here and there. The RAD RHODA did a post about them recently over at Southern Hospitality.  I big puffy heart her if you didn't know! Here's one over at Apartment Therapy .  Mine will be on the "cleaner lined" side because I think my husband would keel over. 

Here comes the woh is me part,otherwise known as "I'm not the brightest porchlight on the block". Yesterday I jinxed myself and told you about my PHYSICAL THERAPY walking. I mentioned how I didn't think I was going to make the 2 mile mark at 8 weeks. Most of the time I would walk Peyton to the bus stop in the am and sometimes in the pm and that was my PT. Then I started walking farther. Eventually going around the "block" of our neighbor hood which isn't really a block but a big circle kind of thing with 2 inclines. By the time I was on the way home I would be DYING. Because I recently (over the weekend) started to feel better and I had built up my endurance at the antique mall as you know. I decided it was high time to KICK IT UP A NOTCH and walk around the "block" (it's like a 1/4 mile) and do it in the morning and the evening plus I had gone to GW. (I really was supposed to be walking two times a day starting 1 week after surgery but I wasn't able to. 4 1/4 weeks is close enough to one week, right?) "BAM" (visualize EMERIL saying that) Let's just say I didn't make it around the block today. Or do much else other than type this! STUPID STUPID ROBYN!

Sorry lost the source to this but I LOVE this look...shoot maybe it's Rhoda's!  EDIT!!!  RHODA was sweet enough to tell me the green pic is Celerie Kemble's .
I ADORE THIS other one, yet again can't find the source...I think it's Praire something.  If you know let me know so I can reference it...I'm so sorry if these are your photos...I'm a looser! ;-)  BUT I LOVE THEM!
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  1. THE PICTURE LOOKS AWESOME! It really is going to add to your little slice of heaven. DID I MENTION THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT? LOL!!!!

    You are such a rebel with the walking, LOL! I hope you feel better soon=0)


  2. THE PICTURE LOOKS AWESOME! It really is going to add to your little slice of heaven. DID I MENTION THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT? LOL!!!!

    You are such a rebel with the walking, LOL! I hope you feel better soon=0)


  3. Hi Robyn!
    Oh, that photo is incredible! How special! :-)

    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Your aliminium picture is gorgeous Robyn..how could it not be with your kids in it right! I hope you take it easy today and are feeling better sweet girl:( Take care!! ~ Tina xx

  5. Love love love the picture! feel better!!!! thinking of you and your comment on my post cracks me up :)

  6. Oh Robyn, your picture looks fantastic! What a great work of art that is so meaningful! Rest up and recover quick! xx

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your picture! It is SO cool! Now I want one. :) hee hee hee
    I was hoping all that candy would give you an energy boost and make you walk farther, not put you in a stooper so you wouldn't walk at all! :) Hope you feel better and get to walking more girlfriend! (also hope I didn't cause you to have a dental appointment! ROFLOL)
    I have been a busy girl today! It's my birthday and I decided to work on Carson's built-ins all day! It was kinda fun! TJ took me out to dinner and bought me an outdoor chandelier. (you can see a pic on my blog) It was a nice day.
    Love you much and hope you have a great week!!!!

  8. I made a nook like that at my mamma's house a few years ago but I lined it with wall paper instead. She put a plaster reprpoduction bust on it like those you see in Pride and Prejudice, it looked lovely, cheered her up from a messy divorce.
    I'd like to know how to make those cloth lamp shades I have a toom without a lamp and would love to make one for it.

  9. Love the pics! That green room is gorgeous! I love the warm, coziness of it!


Would you share some WHIMSY please!?