Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Built in NOOK goodies

I'm sort of afraid that I've built this up so much in my head that it won't be like I picture it in my head!  EVERYTHING Matt has done I'm tickled pink with and couldn't be happier.  Now that it's time to decorate...I'm afraid! ;-) You all are probably sick of hearing about the nook at this point too! SORRY!  Anyway, wanted to show you, I took some old frames and some goodwill frames and some antique frames and painted them flat white to unify the look.  I don't know if all of these photos are staying in the frames there are a couple I KNOW I'm not leaving in.  2 of the frames are from Ikea so they are a slightly different white.  So these are some of the things that will be on the walls.  Plus I drew a Robin this morning (I copied it a quite a bit from the Robin drawing I have in the foyer), if I get brave enough, I may paint that right above the built in book shelf that doesn't have shelves yet in this photo.  For years, we had a squirrel I painted above our laundry room door. (We had a baby one when I was little!) I don't know, we'll see.  I really want the goodness on the walls to be representive of US and who we are and what we like.  I hope I haven't bored you all!

 Linking here:  MY FIRST WHITE WEDNESDAY!FADED CHARM WHITE WEDNESDAY and IhookedupwithHoHlamespice

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  1. Dear, dear, Robyn...
    With the name Robyn I would think you would love birds and so did your Mother who named you!

    I had a Friend her name was Robyn and she opened a shop and Called it..."Robyn's Nest"
    I just loved it with the logo being a bird on a nest :)

    You make take anything with you that inspires you from my bolg:)
    I am flattered that you would want to!

    I also paint the signs with birds on them and inspirational words that tug at an emotion or two :)
    Go check out my signs and side bar art posted.

    I am going back to check out your works of art on your blog as well.

    Keep inspiring us with your passion for birds as well.

  2. Bore me...not a chance! I love seeing how others live. Your mosaic is beautiful. I love the robin idea, the sketch is amazing. Great job! The nook is going to be so cool.
    And I wish you could have gone to FC with me too!

  3. thanks so much for your comment! =)

    Your nook is going to look fab! The Robin you drew is beautiful!

  4. I love everything you've got going here, especially the light fixture. Very cool!

    I like your idea about the paint on these letters. They are pretty cool by themselves, but I thought i might play around with some of them.

    So glad you joined in today.


  5. hello darlin'! :)
    Don't be afraid...just do it! (I sound like a Nike commercial!) ha! You're a talented girl, I know you can make that little nook shine like a new penny! I am lovin' all your pics in your white frames....I just love white! hey, you didn't tell me you could draw! Very cute Robin indeed!
    See the other Melissa's comment above? She and I are friends in real life! :) We used to go to church together and then they got a job in another state...I miss her. :( She's beautiful inside and out!
    i can't wait to see the finished nook...just remember if you don't like what you do, you can ALWAYS change it!
    Love ya girlie! Have a great week!
    My weekend is gonna be c r a z y!! Lincoln is graduating and we're having a BIG party at our house. I have cleaned for DAYS! Don't know why, it'll be trashed when they all leave! LOL :0D Oh well, he's worth it!
    later tater

  6. Dont think I could ever get bored here :)
    Your comment sounded wayyyyy smart..hehe~

  7. Could never tire of you or your sweet little nook my friend!! Love your drawing of the Robin, you clever girl! I also love your white frames and pics, I think they are going to look awesome!! Hope you are doing great:)~ Tina xx

  8. Yes, paint that robin on the wall! You did a wonderful job drawing it, and I think it's a fantastic idea to paint it. I love when people do things like that to make their home unique!
    Happy White Wednesday!


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