Tuesday, August 10, 2010


All of the summer blooms are putting me in such a happy mood.  WHO can not be happy with fresh flowers in the house!  BUT, this HEAT is slooowing us down.  It just zaps your energy like a sponge.  We have several projects that are on hold while we've been lazing around doing a whole lotta nuthin'!  Tomorrow I'm MAKING myself work on my mannequin project. I know she's going to be SO pretty, I can't wait!  I HAVE had time to do a bit of flea marketing. So not only am I adding to my collection and my store, but also my WAIST LINE because it's SO DAGGUM HOT, that I usually end up buying an ice cream on the way home!  EKK!  I scored the vases above plus some other great goodies at 3 different places!  It was kind of weird that some of vases have a sister pattern to match, not a perfect match but close, like fraternal twins! I can't wait to get a couple blooms at the grocery (yes, I OFTEN buy my flowers there!) and use a few of my milk glass vases for a little vignette.

IN OTHER NEWS:  This is about my back, if you are a frequent reader than you know I've been having a bit of trouble the past two years with my back. 

I went for my 3 month post op today with my surgeon.  He suggested I have several epidural injections for my pain. Because my surgery was the 3rd one in the exact area, he didn't think it was too unusual that I am still in this amount of pain.  My father says I've always been a PAIN so maybe this is Karma!  LOL I'm not really looking forward to that.  Read this or the end of THIS and you'll know why.
EDIT:   I want you all to know how much your love and support mean to me.  Waking up this morning to so many sweet comments just made my day!  I do not put a lot about my back on here because I definitely do NOT want to be a Debbie Downer and I think a positive attitude (I try to keep it!) makes a huge difference in your life.  So... THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
I'm linking these little white beauties to WHITE WEDNESDAY at FADED CHARM


  1. Robyn, I have been reading your blog from time to time for a few months now. I am usually drawn back to it for more than your talent in design. The story of your journey to be free from pain has touched my heart. I want you to know that I am going to be praying for you...asking God to heal you. Even if you are not a believer in miracles I am and HE hears my prayers. When you are down remember I am lifting your name UP :)

  2. I love your pretty vases. I too, have been collecting milk glass vases. Love them.

  3. Hey woman! It was so good to chat with you today, I SO enjoy talking with ya! :)
    You scored on your little vases..I like white hobnail. (and I buy some of my flowers at the grocery too..hey why not, they're gorgeous and cheap! lol)
    Have a great week!

  4. I am sorry to read of the pain, I know body pain, not that kind, so I do feel for you. The constant doctors and wanting it to go away. I hope that they are able to find a way to make it stop.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having so much pain. Love your milk glass-never can have too much of them. Happy WW

  6. There is such Beauty in a Collection of White Milk glass Vases, with or without Blooms.....

  7. Pretty!

    I'm sorry to hear you have back problems. Things like that run in my family, so I've seen it up close and personal. I hope the injections help.

  8. The picture on your blog post today of the white vase collection is so beautiful & breathtaking! You are a woman after my own heart!! Thanks so much for visiting me today and becoming a follower! Angie xo

  9. I think you are a TROOPER!!!I know backpains and I gues you have it times 10.......everything you do still.....as I said...you are a trooper!! Hang in there babes.....wish I could do something to take away the pain a little.........

    have a nice day!


  10. Dear Robyn, I follow your blog since a few months, but from your post I discovered that you are a sensible woman and full of love for people around you. I'm afraid I do not speak good English, so I just let my affection, happiness for having known a good person like you and send you hug to warm your heart. if you like, mail me... kisses,

  11. My sweetest Robyn........I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having so much pain......i wish i could help you................i shall pray for you ......maybe that helps......God can do the miracles !! not me......wishing you a happy evening...love Ria........beautiful white glases vases.....!!

  12. Robyn,
    Walk in health, and love my visits over here to your place. thank you Robyn for taking the time to comment. Does it not help ones soul just to be able to enjoy all of our bloggy friends, I know it does for me!

  13. Hi Robyn,
    I am so glad you found my blog so I could find yours!! I absolutely love it! Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog and for becoming a new friend , I so appreciate it.
    I love those gorgeous plates in the post below, they are just beautiful!!
    Have a great day.

  14. Hi Robyn,
    I also wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers!! I have had many friends with severe back problems and I know it's not easy at all. Please hang in there and know that there are many people you don't even know praying for you to heal!!!

  15. Sorry to hear about your back problems. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Thanks for sharing your white glass collection-each piece is just gorgeous!

    Best wishes,

  16. Love your beautiful whites, Robyn! And I'm sorry to hear about your health problems. I live with Fibromyalgia myself so I know a thing or two about chronic pain! But isn't it lovely to have the support of our wonderful blogging friends?

    I'm wishing you gentler days ahead...



Would you share some WHIMSY please!?