Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rainbow Birthday Party

My youngest, Peyton is addicted to Pinterest just as much as the rest of us.  I've probably mentioned that once or 5 times before.  It's so cute because she has some boards that make me giggle: makeup (she just turned 10), nursery, 3 different party boards, cute babies, etc. When it came time to party planning for her 10th Birthday, she had definite ideas about what she wanted.  I think she's happy that she has a Momma crazy enough to TRY to accommodate some of them!  EDIT: The Rainbow invites are here if you'd like to check them out!

A little over 2 months ago she decided on a Rainbow theme.  As much as I love pastels for little girls and the pink and white shabby colors we've had the past couple birthday parties, I was excited for a bunch of bright colors.  The theme was set so the fun began!  I started picking up clear containers for the candy at Goodwill.  I already had a bunch of milk glass(from GW too!) that I figured that I would use sparingly.  The only containers that I didn't get there were the 3 apothecary jars.  I already had one, purchased the tall one(peeps) and borrowed one.  I bargained shopped candy everywhere I went and online and hid it all over the house.  We are a family of sweet thooth's so having candy around meant that we wouldn't have any for the party!  I will say when I got it all out a couple days before the party, I was surprised at how much I had!  This also happens to me with stocking stuffers every year!

 Armed with oodles of coupons, I attacked JoAnn's for fabric and ribbon.  First I sewed the felt garland.  I had seen a similar one on Pinterest.  It was EASY, CHEAP and I will definitely make it again in whatever color I need!  I then started on the buntings.  I am addicted to them after last years pretty pink one.  If I were to do it over again for this party, I would have changed the fabric to small patterned fabric in the rainbow colors instead.  Peyton helped sew these and had a blast and did a great job.  They are hung high toward the ceiling, you'll have to look for them to see.  I used 3M "Command" strips and they took off the paint and drywall paper in two spots on my ceiling.  Good thing the kitchen needed it's ceiling painted!  From the ceiling we hung the buntings, swirly streamer thingies, pretty tulle poufs, honeycomb balls and paper lanterns. The last "project" for this part was the rainbow tablecloth that is all over Pinterest.  I will be the first person to tell you that I am "sewing" challenged.  I sew much better on paper for scrapping then I do on any cloth.  This project totally put me to the test.  It was HARD.  As in I'm NEVER doing that again, hard.  If I had drawn lines the proper width apart where the rows of colored stripes were to go I probably would have enjoyed the process and liked my final project much better.  You live you learn.  I MAY do this again in an ombre effect for the twins b-day but now I no what NOT to do!

P and I both wanted to have a rainbow cake (again I know you've seen these too allover you know where) and it was fun to do!  Lot's of food coloring but kids and food coloring go hand in hand.  Well not always but at parties!  Peyton also wanted the cute little rainbow cupcakes using candy sour belts as the rainbow.  These were easy but I won't buy these Wilton cupcake cups again.  They darkened a LOT in the oven and the cupcakes themselves were really shallow and the frosting pulled away from the wrappers leaving them not very pretty.  Sorry Wilton, but as pretty as they were in the box, I think they are a FAIL for me. ;-(  

Back to the fun stuff...Here are a few tips I picked up from this party.1. The glasses are recycled TARGET bottled cappuchino.  The Starbucks ones no longer work because the label isn't pull off like the Target ones.  Cheaper too although this year, I'm saving them for the next party.  Even though Cole loves to have to empty the new ones. 2. The little flags on the straws are just strips of scrapbook paper, double sided tape and the ends are cut with the corner of a square punch. EASY!  3. Buy swirly lollipops from Oriental Trading, soooo much cheaper, then add a scrap of ribbon for some flair.  Oriental trading will then send you a coupon for 25% your next purchase, then buy the rest of the supplies you need!  4. GW is the best place for clear glass containers!  5. Don't make a rainbow tablecloth without penciling it out. ;-)

I've been long winded enough, here are the rest of the photos!   ...oh and one last little tidbit 'bout Peyton.  She likes to not be home while I'm setting up her party and then arrive about a half hour before the party starts so she can "be surprised" -those are her words.  It's a bit of a lot of pressure!  That's her happy little face when she first walked in.  I love it!

Here's the birthday girl during her "photo shoot" for her birthday invites you can see here!


  1. What a great great great party !!!!...CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!....love from me....xxx...xxx...xxx...

  2. You said GW is the best place to get glass containers. What is GW???

  3. Hey! I'm sorry Victoria, GW is Good Will. ;-)

  4. Fantastic post! Rainbow themed parties are always fabulous. It was wonderful going through this post. I have bookmarked it because I can see lots and lots of amazing ideas here. Also, it is my niece’s birthday next week in one of the prettiest Chicago venues and I am up for the decoration now.


Would you share some WHIMSY please!?