Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RENT-ing a room, an ETSY update plus a dance recital (I'm taking my life into my own hands here, people. Posting this slide show!)

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love!

I had a surprising call yesterday, my surgery has been moved up a week. It's exactly 364 days since the last fusion surgery! Talk about your De ja' vu! I can't help but think of the RENT lyrics! Next week, I'll be renting a room at a local hospital!

I think I have lyrics on my mind since our girls had their dance recital this weekend. An entire "season" of prep work for one day. The girls always say it's the most stressful day of the year, although I tend to think of it as a bit longer because of dress rehearsal which I find more chaotic. Anyway enjoy their little slide show. They did such a fabulous job and I'm so proud of them. Callie was actually in 3 dances in 2 shows but the one dance was IMPROV and it was difficult to photograph because it was to the TV music for the Twilight Zone, making it a very DARK number. Enjoy it while it's up here because if my older daughter Callie sees it: a. she will smother me with a pillow in my sleep. b. also take it down from the blog.  DISCLAIMER:  NO my daughters do NOT wear this makeup any other time.  This is stage makeup and it is only for recitals.  Yes, my almost 14 year old DOES wear mascara, and lipgloss and occassionally eye liner.  I wanted to clairify before I got hate mail. Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging. ;-)
These lovely flowers were pulled from the girls bouquets...shhhh. I did a little funkified processing on the photos to give them a bit of a vintage vibe...what do you think? OHHHH and BTW, about the ETSY shop. Due to the impending surgery and the recovery time, 8-12 weeks, I have put the shop on hold. I'm sorry! If anyone was REALLY looking forward to ordering something, email me and I'll try to have one of my besties get it out to you! Regardless, now you'll have something exciting to look forward to when I come back, other than my witty banter!

Matt started work on the built in. We've finally figured out (well, we think!) how we are going to get a desk in there AND a small sitting area with a wall sconce. I'll keep you posted! Later today, I'm going to show you a little sneak of some of the things we've pulled together for the "Annette Tatum" master bedroom we are doing.

While I'm gone next week, I'll have some of my wonderful "in person" friends and "bloggy" friends filling in for me. If the last surgeries fill-in's were any indication, you are going to want to check back next week. Plus the guest BLOGGERS I have lined up are going to be GREAT! I'd say I can't wait, but I'm going to miss it anyway! I'll have to read it all when I get home and I'm semi-lucid. You might want to check out these links to see what they did to me last year!

Some of the guest bloggers will include Maria from Dreamy Whites and Melissa from My Cottage Charm .  I don't have all the other details on the others yet, but I will soon!

Later in the week, I'm going to leave you with some of my favorite links and blogs. I'm sure you are like me, and have nothing better to do than lose a couple hours here on the 'net!
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Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Spring Dance Recital
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This is our built in.  This is my husbands butt in our built in.

1 comment:

  1. Surgery ???? what's going on darling??? i missed your post for a long time................and don't have the time to read all 25 !! sorry !!......please let me know ???

    Hugs from Ria


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