Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dancing Queens AGAIN!

Lots of friends are asking about the recital so I thought I'd share a couple more photos of some friends of my girls. Little Ms. B here happens to be my self proclaimed blog stalker so I KNOW she'll enjoy these pics! She did a wonderful job at the recital and makes a lovely ballerina! This dress looked so pretty as the girls twirled about.

Ms. J in the blue tutu couldn't have worn a more delightful color to show off her pretty blue eyes!

And I said this before in the last recital pic post, ITS so DIFFICULT to get a good photo at a recital! You know, dark room, Aunt Flo with her bee-hive in front of you, no flash, etc. etc. Occasionally I take some pretty cool pics but they aren't here today! If you want to see some, check out
www.whimages.com ! And don't forget you still have time to take advantage of the spring special deal~ :-)

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