I really should have closer pictures of my antique little goodies. I'm going to have to fire that photographer! Plus she used a flash and EVERYBODY knows I HATE flash. Hate it with every fiber of my being. Anyway, back to my goodies. My favorite little antique store, that I went to over the weekend had all kinds of yumminess that I could have put in the back of the Jeep in a heartbeat but unfortunately that would require larger sums of money that I don't currently seem to have. HOWEVER, I spent just a few dollars and I came home with some wonderful finds that make me
HAPPY and isn't that what it's all about? Let me tell you about my shweeet goodies. That tall and gorgeous white enamel on metal pitcher reminds me of a lovely super model that grew up in the mid-west but her all-American beauty took her to glamorous places far and wide. She's still turning heads but she's put on a few lbs after a few little pitchers were born and she has a few wrinkles here and there but she's still carries herself with grace. Next to Pretty Pitcher are two little pint size milk bottles from dairys in Baltimore. Living about 40 miles from
Baltimore, the thought of there ever being cows there just tickles me pink. It's just a funny thought. I'm irritated with myself for only getting 2 because I like odd numbers so that's really going to bug the junk out of me until I get another. At a couple dollars, that wont set me back much and the vision of daisy's in them next summer (or if I get a bunch at the grocery store or if my husband is inspired to bring me some which will never happen because he shows his love in all the other wonderful things he does for me, ie: PROJECTS. Don't mind the run on sentence and all of the mistakes in this post that would make my 12th grade English teacher spontaneously combust) makes me happy. Follow all that?. Me neither. Going clockwise, I'm STILL in love with the saphire blue Fire King measuring cup I got for my birthday in August from the same store. It has a side spout which is pretty cool too. Yeah, I know it doesn't look blue but in the light it does have a hint of blue to it. I looked it up and as per what Bob said, that is what it's called and yes I DID get a major bargain on it compared to what I saw on ebay. School lunch money versus going to Outback Steakhouse! Moving along clockwise again. There
I promised I would take pictures of Bob's shop this week. It's called Ye Ol' Curiousity Shoppe in Churchville Maryland. I will go to snap some shots but my little one now has H1N1. First things first, I have to get her better. I SWEAR by Tamiflu, that stuff WORKS wonders. It's so IMPORTANT to go to the Dr.'s AS SOON AS YOU have symptoms.
The kitchen is still a work in progress so you're not getting photos of that yet (wink) ohhhh but I did want to show you my frugal idea for new knobs. We really wanted zink finished knobs like the finish on this B. But because we don't have an extra penny to drop on 98 knobs (I'm not kidding it's 90 something knobs in my kitchen) we purchased this bottle of hammered aluminum from Rustoleum and spray painted them! YAY us! Unfortunately/fortunately I am purchasing a new faucet tomorrow. Ours finally decided to die yesterday and my husband and my father have patched it so many times that it's at the point now that it's pointless to NOT get a new faucet. So I'm taking Peyton to the Depot in the morning to pick one out. Our dryer died the middle of last week but LUCKILY my father is Mr. Fixit and was able to take the sucker apart and we bought a new heating element that he installed. I won't tell you about the concerns I have with the small cup on top of the now reassembled and working like a champ dryer. The cup contains about 6 screws that somehow didn't make it BACK into said working like a champ dryer.
I also am having my second Rhizotomy on my lumbar tomorrow. It's going to be the left side this time. Good times. Good times.
I will go to the antique store later in the week to take some photos to show you all of his wonderful old goodies!
OHHHHHHHHH I almost forgot the Levi story. I took Levi McCoy and Cosmo Kramer to the Vet to get updated on shots. Being puppies, some of their shots only lasted a year so they needed boosters. One of the girls at the Vet is familiar with my back issues and immediately helped me by taking Levi. We go into the examining room and the dogs are tickled to death to be there. WHAT AN ADVENTURE! Happy wiggles and kisses all around for Margaret (the tech) and the Vet. The Vet and I are chatting as he's getting the shot ready and as he approaches Margaret and Levi, Levi spies the shot and DROPS onto the ground like he's been hit with a .45. He falls onto his back (I submit, I SUBMIT) and begins FURIOUSLY URINATING ALLOVER INCLUDING THE VETS SHOES AND LEGS. I'm apologizing and apologizing and then said, "I'm SO sorry, I forgot to tell you he is a submissive urinator!"
1 comment:
Oh Robyn! I giggled all the way through this one! And...I even made it through the run on sentences! HeeHeeHee!
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