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I'm back from my blog hiatus caused by those back to back (no pun intended) SI joint injections where they did the "burn baby burn" technique on 7 nerves. If you are one of my friends that is waiting on something from me, I'll get it to you this week, sorry, I've been wayyyy out of regular society! LOL
We have a LOVELY big FAT flake snow fall today. Here's a peek out from our kitchen toward the playhouse. I have bird feed and squirrel food back there, notice the little Junco on the roof! The snow is pretty and WHITE but I want to show you some other white goodness. I'm really ready for the PINK, PURPLE, YELLOW and GREEN of spring. It can't get here fast enough but in the meantime, here is some WHITE I LOVE!
My wonderful and favorite sister, Brandy (yes, she's my only sister) has a birthday in January. She's been collecting hobnail milk glass from various Goodwills and has a pretty little collection. I had my friend take me to my FAVORITE store (as you know, I've talked about it a TON) to get just the PERFECT gift for a perfect sister! If you don't know, my fave store is YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP at 3100 Aldino Road, Churchville Maryland 410-734-6228. The delightful and happy as can be owner (BOB, I know you are going to read this and since you will NEVER let me live it down that I warned my
blog readers that you are a bit crotchety) Bob has everything and anything you could ever want when it comes to antiques, collectables and just plain old unique decor schtuff! The store is JAM-PACKED with goodness, I bent down to look inside of a display case and the bottom half was chock full of goodies that made my heart pitterpat. I saw a bit of this hopnail piece and asked Bob what it was. After a few minutes of his rearranging he pulled it out and I almost SWOONED! It was perfect for Brandy. It's a large Fenton milk glass hobnail centerpiece on a pedestal. I think she's going to love it...I'm going to have a hard time giving it to her! I also got this DOUBLE DELIGHTFUL little International Sterling Compote. It's little and sweet, about 6 inches across, you can see the size of it compared to the penny. It has a great patina so I'm not really going to clean it up much. How gorgeous will this look with a pile of chocolate covered strawberries on a table set for a baby shower. I love adding height with various pedestals when I have a spread for a party. It makes everything more interesting. If you want to check out some other photos of the oodles of goodness at the curiosity shop check out here: Lots of goodies 1 Photo goodness 2 Photo goodness 3 Photo goodies of my milk bottles Photo goodies 4 Photo goodness 5 It would also be SUPER sweet piled with pretty chocolate bon bons for Valentines day. AND...he has another's a bit deeper and has a Rose of Sharon pattern. It's more expensive than mine but it's BEAUTIFUL!
I plan on having two cups of coffee one day and reorganizing my cabinets that are glass fronted (you know the ones in the now BLACK painted kitchen that I still HAVEN'T revealed because it's NOT quite done) to pare down the schtuff in there. I keep my slightly large cookbook collection in there, so that's not going any where but I'd like to mix some of my patinad silver pieces in with the white and colored goodies in there for a cleaner look. So stay tuned! ;-)
1 comment:
تواجه مشاكل مع مكيف الهواء الخاص بك؟ العديد من المشاكل التي لديك مع مكيف الهواء الخاص بك قد تحل ببساطة تفعل ذلك بنفسك خطوات الصيانة التي يمكنك اتخاذها. القول المأثور "يبقيه بسيط غبي" يقطع شوطا طويلا. قبل افتراض أن لديك مشكلة تقنية الرئيسية التي يتطلب اصلاح مكيف لإصلاحها بعد اتهام لك ثروة، تبدأ من خلال القيام ببعض الخطوات البسيطة صيانة أجهزة تكييف الهواء وفحص بعض المشاكل واضحة.
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أولا عليك دائما أن تكون على يقين لديك فلتر الهواء النقي في النظام الخاص بك. إذا كنت وحدة لم التبريد وهل لاحظت تراكم الجليد أو حول وحدتك في الأماكن المغلقة أو في الهواء الطلق يجب إيقاف مكيف الهواء وإيقاف المروحة على لمدة 6-8 ساعات للسماح الجليد لذوبان الجليد. تذكر الجليد ترى من خارج النظام الخاص بك ليست سوى جزء صغير منه. معظم البناء الجليد حتى على المبخر أو لفائف داخل عمل القناة الخاص بك ان كنت لا تستطيع رؤية ذلك تأكد من السماح لها ذوبان الجليد لمدة 6-8 ساعات قبل ان يتحول حدتك مرة أخرى. بمجرد تحويله يعود على يقين الفلتر نظيف، جميع سجلات مفتوحة، والمنطقة المحيطة عن العرض والعودة السجلات هو واضح. إذا كان النظام يتجمد مرة أخرى بمجرد تشغيله سوف تحتاج إلى استدعاء المؤهلين اصلاح مكيف الهواء. يمكن أن النظام الخاص بك تكون منخفضة على الفريون. إذا يضيف الفريون ولكن غير قادر على تحديد موقع تسرب يمكنك محاولة "الفريون طقم إصلاح تسرب" تباع عبر الإنترنت التي هي سهلة لوضعها في النظام الخاص بك.
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شركة صيانة مكيفات بالرياض
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شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
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